Friday, September 28, 2007

#23 Summary

Although I have griped throughout, I really enjoyed this project. I would use this method of learning again as long as the expectations were a little more reasonable. The amount of time to finish was too short and created undue pressure (especially since it was summer and vacations get in the way). The expectation that each week's actities would only take a half an hour was totally unrealistic and again created undue stress.
As usual for BCPL, everything is a team effort. If it weren't for other staff, I would not have been able to figure out some of the lessons. Similarly I actually was able to help co-workers when they got stuck(even younger more savvy co-workers). It's a wonderful feeling to know that we can always count on each other to get us through things.
My favorites were Flickr and Wikis. Flickr is more social and Wikis will be great for work.
I really appreciated the weekly e-mails and would have loved more comments, but understand that the numbers were overwhelming.

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